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not sure if there are supposed to be animations for the scenes as i see in the preview but i dont have any

Deleted 97 days ago

Then delete your comment?

Sorry about that.

(1 edit) (+7)

Okay everyone, I set up an auto-clicker to get us to that Satisfaction 100 rating, AAAAND...
Real glad I set up an Auto-Clicker to do the FOUR HOUR AND TEN MINUTE grind for Satisfaction 100...

I am now waiting for the -6000 Cold to wear off to see if there is any progression once it gets cold. I'll respond back to this comment if it's an ending (presumed death), or unlocks more.

Dev, you *really* need to reduce the time delay on Cook. Half would be at the barest edge of tolerable. One Third would be reasonably tolerable. But One Quarter would be decently enjoyable.


Given the *very* low numbers required for everything else (5 motivation to cook, 10 satiety to pleasure, 5 lust to fuck) I'm going to say that at 300 Cold, and NO CHANGES outside of "she's really getting cold". That's the end of the game, and you've experienced everything as of mid December 2024.

And with NO save and quit option available... either you marathon this or you don't play it at all.


cheat engine exists and all of the stats on the bottom are 4 bytes

Very reminiscent of the game "A Dark Room". Hope you keep working on it!


Its great...but after Fuck is unlocked it takes sooo long to progres..or the game is unfinished at the moment?


I love love love the way the game looks, its just that its so hard to find any interest in the gameplay. I will be looking at all updates very closely. Good work so far!

(1 edit) (+3)

If this game has an ending, I'll never find it.

As others stated below, the adult activities require Lust and Satiety.

The cooldown to cook is the biggest issue with this, as it takes a whole minute to barely get 3 food, and you need 10 food to get 1 Lust. As a result, it's 1 Lust/3min so 15 min to get 10 Satisfaction. If the ending requires 100 satisfaction, then it takes over 2 hours of repetitive clicking to reach that ending.

You already need to wait until you get 5 motivation to cook, why is there a need to force us to wait even longer than that?

Though I agree with Lamoiroth that rather than needing motivation to cook, it would be better if you only needed to use Search to find Food to cook, and if Cooking directly increased Satiety (it's kinda pointless to have a separate Feed action)

I wouldn't mind if you needed Motivation to Search though, however, there needs to be more of a payoff for this whole repetitive grind, or the grind has to be somewhat alleviated. For example, higher happiness should increase Satiety or Lust gains.

(1 edit) (+2)

is there an ending


Sorry for the English... it's not my native language. 

But I'll leave my opinion on the game.

The game is incredibly beautiful and has a cool theme and design, the player want to try to understand what is happening while.... well you know.

Some points that bothered me were the girl looking and acting like a child. Even Teddy is awkward in the situation.

The game is extremely slow. To be a clicker I should be able to click to speed up the process.

The "search" button reaches a point where it gives absolutely nothing else. And I kept pressing on just because I had nothing else to do.

Why do I need her "motivation" to cook myself? It would be more logical to "search" things to cook and cook myself.

Her motivation should just be to keep doing... you know.

As the friend below said, the "stoke fire" button doesn't seem to do anything... even though I know it does because I tested it... But the status doesn't appear if you click from the beginning.

"Tickle" giving only happiness that is not very useful and becomes the same as "searching" useless after a while. Even though you use it for activities..., it takes so long to get the rest of what you need that you accumulate too much happiness for nothing.

"Pleasure" and "fudge" were practically a pain... Maybe that's why the name of the game is Tenebrous.

I played 3 times and honestly gave up all 3 times due to the slow process... maybe I didn't get the real ending you wanted...

But wasting all this time to get to the "tenebrous" ending as described, I don't think it's worth the waste of time.

The status in the status bar are pushed to the corner as more status appear and you no longer have information about this status because he was pushed.

And if you could put the texts and buttons outside the scene that would be cool too, I want to see what's going on.

I believe this is what I noticed for now.

Take everything as constructive criticism. Like I said, I loved the game, but it's really slow.

(3 edits) (+4)

SEARCH (Does nothing after finding the potatoes)
STOKE FIRE (-10 COLD, for the "COLD" status appear, do not use this button for a while)

WOOD AND HEALTH in status bar, does nothing.. At least not at this point in the game
HAPPINESS in status bar, sometimes she loses one (-1) because your cooking is horrible..

Ok.. about the Motivation thing.. I just saw again in the text that we found the food "together"... Which would solve the problem. That's if after the rats I hadn't found everything on my own until I got to the potato where the search stopped.

What's the difference between the paid and free version?

Probably non-static images as shown in the preview

Voice acting would be nice as well


Stoking the fire seems to do nothing. Firewood stays at 5, nothing else changes. Don't know if that's some supernatural weirdness or a bug, lol


If you use the "stoke fire" button from the beginning the "cold" status will not appear. When you use it it becomes negative by 10 points and when it reaches positive 40 the girl dies.

Which I didn't particularly like... since "health" status doesn't affect anything in the game.

Is firewood supposed to be unchanging at 5?

That's probably the case in the current version so players can test all features. After some polishing it would make sense if the player had to Search more frequently to find extra wood to avoid the bad end